WeVideo @ UMBC

WeVideo Basic Editing (PDF)


WeVideo Support


Information for Students

Students in MCS 395 and 495 use the WeVideo online platform for collaborative and digital story assignments. You will receive an online account for the duration of the semester. Please note that these accounts will expire at the end of the term. They will be deleted at that time. You are responsible for downloading and archiving your work prior to that time.

For best results WeVideo recommends that you use the Chrome browser.

Accessing Your WeVideo Account

    1. Use the following link to navigate to WeVideohttps://www.wevideo.com/invite/?code=939e05df-ac98-44d4-a69e-352adc7af4e6-nok4lng3 (be sure to use the link; if you go directly to the WeVideo page without using this link, you will not be signed up with a license and will miss out on some great tools)
    2. Select “join with new account”
    3. Sign up using your UMBC email.