This week curated by:
Tania Lizarazo – Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Languages, Linguistics & Intercultural Communication; Global Studies Program, UMBC
How we find ourselves
As borders closed and physical distance became essential to protect each other, we confirmed that we are inevitably connected. This week’s selection of stories is about crossing physical and symbolic borders to create identities and challenge stereotypes (imposed, inherited or internalized). As traveling seems like an alternate reality right now, these stories invite us to imagine a world where multiplicity and solidarity are celebrated. Storytellers take us to South Korea, Paraguay, Brazil, Mexico, El Salvador, the Philippines, India, Ecuador, Trinidad, Colombia, and Perú to witness their process of finding themselves. Alongside their struggles we learn about their will to exist and dream.
All the storytellers included in this playlist are (or have been) my collaborators, students or friends and they keep teaching me through their stories. Heejin taught me how to learn from repetition and change. Caitlin and Andrés taught me how to find light even when it seems impossible. María del Socorro taught me that survival is intentional and requires collaboration. Isabel taught me that we can be more than one thing. Alison taught me how to unlearn prejudice while embracing beauty instead of fear. María taught me that we don’t need labels to be ourselves and to love whom we want. Erin taught me we can grow out of internalized hatred. Raymond taught me how to find pride in family and culture. José and Joselin taught me to keep on dreaming. Camila taught me how to love Baltimore and find myself in the process. I hope you learn something from these stories too. Our survival depends on being connected (virtually for now).