In response to the 2020 election, students in MCS ART 395 created a series of videos in collaboration with the UMBC’s Center for Democracy and Civic Life (CDCL). These short PSAs ( 1 – 3 minutes) encourage students to participate in the democratic process, focusing on why some people do not vote in elections, and why they should. The videos are a combination of personal stories and persuasive messaging.

Cast Your Whole Vote - Group Five
Angelo Rayner, Courtney Renehan, Austin Taro, Tuador Wikina

Cast Your Whole Vote - Group Four
Samuel Murrill, Colby Nelson, Londell Owens, Favor Pedro

Cast Your Whole Vote - Group Three
Lauren Hargrave,
Ashlee Kreiger,
Farrah Kuranchie,
Alex Luster Balk

Cast Your Whole Vote - Group Two
Deysi Chitic-Amaya,
Rachel Daniel,
Jake Dinoto,
Miguel Gooding

Cast Your Whole Vote - Group One
Tumee Agogbuo,
Megan Callender,
Benjamin Cavallaro,
Jenny Chen